In English, we can not say as "we do something“, “we did something” atau “we are going to do something”. If in fact someone else is doing the job. In English, if you say “I am going to cut my hair”, means you sit in a chair, in front of the mirror, and with scissors in your hand, you cut your own hair. So to state that other people who do the job for us, it is the right structure have something done.The use have or get more informally in the passive form that shows something is done, to the subject or perpetrator by others who perform services or services to us.To use something unpleasant or something unexpected. Causative verbs are used instead of passive verbs to show that the subject causes the action to be done. We often use have got / has got rather than have / has it. So you could say "we've got new car". In negative and interrogative sentences likely there are 3 forms :
- Have you get any money? I haven’t got any money
- Do you have any money ? I don’t have any money
- Have you any money ? I haven’t any money
In the past we were not in general use got ; When she
was a child, she had long fair hair. ( not ‘she had got’). In negative and interrogative sentences in the past we generally use did / didn 't: Did you
have a car when you lived in london ? (no ‘had you’). Have
something done”in a slightly different context in the form of futures past. In the future before the word have / get should be added to the word "going to" which means plans made for the future. Have something done "in the form of questions. Can be exemplified when we love the new haircut of our friends, then we can ask where he cut his hair. Use the active voice to the cause of "have" (to use a simple form of the verb) and passive sentences to have something done (using the verb 3). "Has or had" for the moment, "has a" last time. after the subject you should use the proper form of "have" if it "has or has or has" the object is the people (person). after that, you have to use a simple form of the verb (the verb 1 without s /-es) in any kind of description of the time (current or past still use the simple form of the verb). You just choose the right form of "have" to cause "has". To have something that is done just follow the pattern. The formula of the use or make sentences have something done is
- I don´t know how to repair cars, so I´m having mine repaired at the garage round the corner
- I have my house cleaned : someone cleans my house for m
- We have my cut : somebody cuts my our hai
- I am having my clothers ironed : somebody is ironing my cloth
- My mom was sick, she had the clothes washed
- I got my book reconvered
- We get my house fixed
- I really must get my eyes tested. i'm sure i need glasses
- Get your hair cut!
- I had my bag broken
- He has her sister cried
- A market is place where we can have our necessary bought
- A hospital is a place where we have our healt checked
- A library is a place where we have can books borrowed
Rewrite these
sentences using have or get
- The mechanic changed the oil in my car
- The hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style.
- A decorator has repainted our house.
- A friend of mine, who´s an electrician, is going to repair my DVD player next week
- My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s
- The town hall has just been rebuilt for the council.
- We had our treasury Bought our new books yesterday
- She has her mom cooked dinner for her.
- He had his brother done his homework last night
- Tom is having Bill written the report at the moment
- JUDUL : Grammar itu gampang
PENULIS : Irma indriani
TAHUN : 2014
PENERBIT : Dunia cerdas
EDISI : 2014
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